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I am blessed to be friends with several godly women. Women who are strong in their own faith, who know the voice of God, and who encourage others in their personal walk. These women are iron to me; sharpening my own faith. I believe they would say the same of me. I want to be iron to their iron; sharpening them as well (Prov. 27:17). These women are all in different seasons of life, but each one faithful, strong and so encouraging to me!

I was talking with one of these women recently who has found herself at a crossroad. She is sensing there may be a change that God has for her, but she can’t see the path clearly enough to boldly step into something new. I have been praying for her and am encouraging her not to be afraid of making a change. I am telling her that these kinds of moves are what our faith is all about. If we had certainty with our decisions, then we wouldn’t need faith at all! I am continually encouraging her to move when she feels it is time.

I am a hypocrite.

I, too, am in the midst of uncertainty, and have lots of ideas about my next step. I take none of them. She confronted me about it this week. “Why do you resist these suggestions?” she probed. “What’s keeping you from doing it?” she persisted. After a moment of reflection, I sheepishly admitted it was fear. And then I owned my own hypocrisy. I am boldly declaring she move in faith and show courage in the face of fear, trusting in God, while I am cowering away from the smallest move in my personal spiritual journey.

I was reminded of 1 Sam. 14:1-15. Jonathan, the son of newly anointed King Saul, is alone with his armor bearer when they see a Philistine camp at the edge of their territory. Jonathan is compelled to go and fight these men. His armor bearer agrees to go with Jonathan if he chooses to go. After some consideration, Jonathan believes that engaging the Philistines is their destiny and they move forward. These 2 men of faith attack and kill 20 of the Philistines, but that wasn’t the extent of the battle.

1 Sam. 14:15 “And there was a trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people. Even the garrison and the raiders trembled, and the earth quaked so that it became a great trembling.”

God brought about an earthquake that caused such a disturbance that the Philistines began fighting among themselves (v. 20). The nation of Israel came alongside Jonathan and prevailed against the Philistines (v. 23). A battle was won because of the courageous step of two men.

Jonathan’s willingness to step out and fight Israel’s enemy was the catalyst that caused the earthquake. They didn’t need to kill all the Philistines, just be willing to fight and allow God to support their faithful step.

What miracle is waiting for you? What step do you need to take before God brings about an earthquake on your behalf?

I know the truth. I am sure you do, too. But that doesn’t make steps of faith any easier. It feels a little scary and is always accompanied by doubt. (If there was no doubt, then why would we call it faith?)

For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely. His.” 2 Chron. 16:9

Give your heart completely to God. Take the step of faith, and watch expectantly for His support.

Until next time,
