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“When a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I place an obstacle before him.” Ezekiel 3:20

I avoided the eye doctor for years. When my reader glasses no longer provided the clarity I remembered, I made the appointment. After the exam, the doctor prescribed me progressive lenses. I was shocked, but obliged and ordered glasses with the prescription. When they arrived, I followed the eye doctor’s recommendation to wear them continually for a few weeks so my eyes can get adjusted. Within the first week, it appeared (no pun intended) I forgot how to walk. I missed curbs and stairs and publicly tripped more times than I care to admit.

When I came across this verse from Ezekiel, it surprised me. The verse says God may put obstacles in our life. Mistakes by God’s people will happen, but a deliberate or unintentional change to our faith walk may have potentially dire consequences. How would God call us back? By interjecting into the perceived clear road with an obstacle.

Sometimes, God will interrupt our walk to cause us to consider our path and redirect us. It is an opportunity to think about the path we are taking. These obstacles are not there for us to stumble over them, but rather are an invitation to stop and reflect on where we are going. These blocks may be just what we need to return to the narrow road. We may find that though we find our stride in life, we are not cultivating a dependence on God. We are not growing our faith in Him, or deepening our knowledge and understanding of His way. Ultimately, God wants intimacy with us. He wants our every day to be filled with loving conversations and contemplations toward Him. He wants our walk to be one with Him bringing His Kingdom to earth for His Glory and our good.

May we see life’s interruptions as opportunities to reflect on our walk. May we take unforeseen events and allow them to redirect our hearts to God.

What are some interruptions you have see in your life?

How have you handled the interruptions? Have you stumbled? Have you stopped and reflected?

Can you find thankfulness for the interruption?

Supporting Scriptures: Psalm 119:67, 71 & 75, 2 Corinthians 1:8-9, Hebrews 12:9-11

Supporting Songs: “Get Back Up” by TobyMac, “Hills and Valleys” by Tauren Wells